
Performant Team

  1. Programme:

    Our programme for team dynamics and resilience gives the team members a unique insight into themselves and into the other team members. Teams investigate how mutual relationships can be improved. They look at individual style, team dynamics and the mutual relationships between team members.

    The programme is based - amongst others - on Insights Discovery, DISC (Thomas International), the level of EQ (D. Gooleman) and the Enneagram. The feedback from our participants about the benefits of our approach is clear:

  • in a short period of time, insight into qualities and limitations of the team

  • a positive and safe environment in which differences (of opinion), problems and conflicts can be discussed and resolved openly

  • emphasis on the positive role of all team members, when it comes to achieving the team objectives

  1. Coaching focus to Teams::
    As a coach of a self-managing team you will deal with a wide range of topics, that can be related to individual questions, team problems and contextual issues. That's why in our vision a team coach should speak 3 languages::
    1. The language of individual behaviour, emotions and beliefs
      Knowledge and insight into this type of issues and the ability to deal with them effectively belong to the arsenal of a good team coach.
      Learn and practice relevant competences such as:
  • interpersonal sensitivity
  • social skills
  • conflict management
  1. The language of teams and group dynamics
    More or less openly, in a (self-managing) team, themes such as informal leadership, cooperation, decision-making, collective responsibility, atmosphere and culture are discussed. Also, in this area, an effective team coach needs to have knowledge, insight and skills to be actually able to support and coach a team. Relevant competencies are as follows:
  • working together and looking for synergies
  • building resilience and impact
  • persuasiveness and stress resistance
  1. The language of organisations and business management
    Self-managing teams work in the context of an organisation that has/strives for a right to exist in society. Being familiar with concepts such as mission, vision, culture, values, talent management, accountability and others is a 'must' in order to understand the frameworks within a self-managing team operates and, if necessary, to point out that undesirable deviations from those frameworks are arising.

Please note: it is not necessary to have specialised knowledge of all the subjects mentioned above, but it’s always relevant to have insight into the influence of these topics on the functioning of a self-managing team (and vice versa). Relevant competences include amongst others:

  • environmental awareness
  • culture-framing
  • organisational sensitivity
  1. Coaching tips to optimise your team performance even further: